Neha Aims to Become a Doctor

Neha Aims to Become a Doctor

  • Category :
  • 9, January 2023
  • 2 minutes read

Neha is an 11-year-old Class 4 student of Upper Primary School, Bati, Mathura. She aspires to be a doctor when she grows up to treat people of her village for free.

 She comes from a low-income background and has two older and two younger siblings. Both her parents work tirelessly to ensure that all their children receive an education. They are happy that she receives both nourishing food and education at her school every day.

 Neha’s passion for pursuing medicine knows no bounds. To become a doctor, she knows she needs to be disciplined and focused on academics. So, she ensures that she studies for at least 5 hours every day. 

 She says: “My village does not have healthcare facilities. So, I aim to become a doctor to treat my people at little to no cost. I will open a hospital here so that they don’t have to travel long distances for basic treatments.” 

 When asked about mid-day meals (MDM) served at her school, she mentions that Dal Khichdi and Kheer are her favourite. She thinks this dish is the most filling one of all the days, keeping her energised and productive throughout the day.  

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